During the week of April 16th Shihan Henderson visited Australia for the 35th Anniversary of Shorinjiryu in that country. Dojo visits and a training camp were attended. Many students received promotions. In particular, we would like to congratulate Shihan Jim Griffin on receiving his new title of Kyoshi, Shihan Max Estens on receiving 7th Dan, Renshi Des Paroz on receiving 6th Dan and Shihan Title, Sensei Leslie Griffin on receiving 6th Dan and Shihan Title, Tashi Graeme Bowden on receiving 5th Dan and the Renshi title. All in all a tremendous display of Budo dedication by everyone involved.
We would like to make a special thank you to Kyoshi Jim Griffin and Shihan Leslie Griffin for their tremendous hospitality and effort in welcoming Shihan Henderson to Australia, Bribie Island and the surrounding area. The students of Shorinjiryu Australia showed hard work and perfect etiquette throughout the week events and helped to make all the events truly enjoyable. We are saddened to see the 35th Anniversary events come to a close, but we look forward to visiting them sometime soon again to continue to share in the exchange of Budo and the development of each student and teacher alike.
You May Visit The The Australian Shorinjiryu Blog Entry Here!

Friday Evening Class Photo, The Official Start Before the next Day Training Camp, More Students Still To Come!