The International Budo Institute recently participated in Shihan Mark Filippelli’s Fall Classic held in Ville St-Laurent, Quebec. Many participants were on hand and the event was a great success. The Institute was represented by Shihan Hunter and his students as well as Shihan York.
Man Demonstrates Tremendous Spirit of Transformation
An important lesson for all Budoka. The warrior spirit manifest itself in many ways. When someone tells you that you can’t do it, they usually mean they can’t do it. Dig deep and persevere!
Kumite Sai No Bo (Extended Form)
Shihan Dan Hayes and Shihan Milana demonstrate Sai No Bo Kumite in extended form at the 18th Island Budokai Tournament. We thank them for the link and video demonstration.
Shihan Hisataka Demonstrating Kicking Form
Below you may find a video of Shihan Masayuki Hisataka Chief Instructor of the Kenkokan School of Shorinjiryu demonstrating kicking form. We thank Sensei Paul Jackman for the video link.
Shihan Henderson Visits Australian Shorinjiryu
During the week of April 16th Shihan Henderson visited Australia for the 35th Anniversary of Shorinjiryu in that country. Dojo visits and a training camp were attended. Many students received promotions. In particular, we would like to congratulate Shihan Jim Griffin on receiving his new title of Kyoshi, Shihan Max Estens on receiving 7th Dan, Renshi Des Paroz on receiving 6th Dan and Shihan Title, Sensei Leslie Griffin on receiving 6th Dan and Shihan Title, Tashi Graeme Bowden on receiving 5th Dan and the Renshi title. All in all a tremendous display of Budo dedication by everyone involved.
We would like to make a special thank you to Kyoshi Jim Griffin and Shihan Leslie Griffin for their tremendous hospitality and effort in welcoming Shihan Henderson to Australia, Bribie Island and the surrounding area. The students of Shorinjiryu Australia showed hard work and perfect etiquette throughout the week events and helped to make all the events truly enjoyable. We are saddened to see the 35th Anniversary events come to a close, but we look forward to visiting them sometime soon again to continue to share in the exchange of Budo and the development of each student and teacher alike.
You May Visit The The Australian Shorinjiryu Blog Entry Here!
Shihan Masayuki Hisataka Performs Kusanku 1972
Presented below ia a recently captured film of Shihan Masayuki Hisataka performing kata Kusanku. The year is 1972 believed to be at Loyola College in Montreal West, Quebec.
New Black Belt Announced
It is a pleasure for the International Budo Institute to announce that Nguyen Michael Ho-Dac has successfully passed the Sho-dan examination at Kanzendo dojo. Michael studied his curriculum under Sensei Joel Neves Briard, 3rd Dan of the Budo Institute. We look forward to Michael continuing his progress through the ranks and achieving even greater success. Congratulation Michael!
The Universality of the Dojo Kun
As Budo teachers we often reflect on why individuals are attracted to the martial arts. We often believe that they are attracted because they are looking for direction in life. That is, they are typically looking for something to which they may apply their talents in a way that is typically not found in the mundane routine of daily life. What they tend to seek is a challenge where they may grow physically, intellectually and spiritually.
When a new student enters the dojo and begins his or her martial arts journey one of the first things that they encounter within their new system is the Dojo Kun: the main set of guiding principles. Typically, each system or “ryu” has a set of Dojo Kun and often individual schools within a system will also have their own set of Dojo Kun that are particular to the inclination of the head Sensei of that school. Within the Shorinjiryu Kenkokan lineage we have been provided a set of Dojo Kun from the founder, Kaiso Dr. Kori Hisataka for the direction of all Shorinjiryu students, they are: [Read more…]
2011Kentokukan Fall Classic
On Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 The International Budo Institute participated in the 2011 Kentokukan Fall Classic Tournament for children held at the Laurin Hill Academy in Montreal, Canada. The tournament was a great success with participants invited from both Canada and the USA. The Institute would like to expressly thank Sensei Mark Filippelli, Go-dan, of Shorinjiryu Kentokukan for his immense effort at planning, running and concluding a successful event. Please enjoy the photos below.
Shihan Henderson Visits Shihan Hunter
On August 31st Shihan Henderson visited Shihan Hunter of the International Budo Institute at the Shuyokan Dojo in Newmarket, Ontario. The occasion provided Shihan Henderson with the opportunity to meet the students and watch their techniques both in Karate and Jujutsu. It was a fun-filled afternoon and evening and Shihan Henderson hopes to visit again soon.